Creating a Comprehensive Knowledge Bank


In 2020,  Ayiti Analytics was founded with a vision that information could change Haiti. To see our vision as a reality we have begun development of a knowledge bank that will store and provide access to all the public data of Haiti. H


Ayiti Analytics primarily deals with two categories of data- social and economic. The data is now available publicly on the Ayiti Analytics platform. The platform is designed for people interested in conducting research on the country. Reports show that the platform has been well-received, particularly by public institutions.


Empowering Haitian Citizens with Data Literacy


Ayiti Analytics has created a platform that is accessible to all citizens of Haiti. It allows the citizens to not only view data on their country but also create visualizations. This creates an engaging ecosystem of data advocates. With Ayiti Analytics, people are now more aware of their surroundings and can actively be involved in nationwide discussions.


The platform provides sophisticated tools such as GIS (Geographic Information System) maps which help in analyzing the data better. This has helped individuals and institutions to make informed decisions from the insights garnered. This facility is a step towards empowering the people and increasing their data literacy.


The Future Prospects of Ayiti Analytics


Ayiti Analytics continues to be a boon for Haiti, allowing people a comprehensive dataset of the country to work with. The platform continues to evolve in order to cater to the demands of users. The platform welcomes all entrepreneurs, activists, and citizens to explore the extensive dataset and the tools. The idea is to create comprehensive data-driven reports and positively impact policy discussions.




Ayiti Analytics is a game-changer for Haiti. It is a long overdue effort that provides seamless access to data, making it transparent and open to everyone. With the platform, individuals are empowered with access to data, giving them the capability to analyze and make informed decisions. Overall, this is a notable stride towards developing a data-driven society, and it will have a significant impact in bringing the change that Haiti requires.